Building and Grounds: Ben Noteboom, (Council Liaison), Bob Daale, Carol Ver Hoeven, Nick Abbas
Bulletins for Shut-ins: Peter and Dianne Dekkers
Children’s Bulletin: Sharon Byker, Tami Noteboom
Communion Committee: Eugene Byker, Rog Obbink
Evangelism Committee: Gene and Cheryl Byker, Al & Janna Kingma
Love in the Name of Christ: Lyle Myers
Membership Clerk: Rog Obbink
Newsletter Committee: Church Secretary
Nursery Committee: Tami Noteboom
Organists/ Pianists: Sharon Byker, Tricia Byker, Marlene Daale, Lisa Drost, and Donna Obbink
Prayer Chain coordinator: Donna Obbink
Praise Team Coordinator: Dan Byker
Pulpit Supply: Eugene Byker
Small Group Coordinator: Peter Dekkers
Sound Engineers: Dan Byker, Dave Noteboom, Randy Van Wyhe
Technology Committee: Brian Obbink, Dan Byker, Rog Obbink
Welcome Committee: Dan & Sharon Byker, Lou & Gloria Kingma
Work Group Coordinators: Nancy Kingma, Donna Obbink
World Missions Coordinator:
Worship Committee: Judy Dorhout, Glenda Van Wyhe and Jo Obbink